1701. Average Waiting Time
Problem Description: This problem is about calculating the average waiting time for customers at a restaurant. Here are the key points:
- There's a restaurant with a single chef.
- Customers arrive at different times with food orders that take different amounts of time to prepare.
- The chef can only prepare one order at a time.
- If the chef is free when a customer arrives, they start preparing the order immediately.
- If the chef is busy, the customer must wait until the chef finishes the current order.
The goal is to calculate the average waiting time for all customers.
- An array of customer orders, where each order is represented as [arrival_time, preparation_time].
- The average waiting time as a floating-point number.
- Initialize variables for the chef's available time and total waiting time.
- Iterate through each customer order: a. Calculate the start time for the order (max of chef's available time and customer's arrival time). b. Calculate the waiting time for this customer (start time - arrival time + preparation time). c. Update the chef's available time (start time + preparation time). d. Add the waiting time to the total waiting time.
- Calculate and return the average waiting time (total waiting time / number of customers).
#define ll long long
class Solution {
double averageWaitingTime(vector<vector<int>>& customers)
int n = customers.size();
int endTime = 0;
ll waitTime = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
endTime = max(customers[i][0], endTime) + customers[i][1];
waitTime += endTime - customers[i][0];
return (double)waitTime / n;
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