- 🟩 FrogJmp [Solution]
- 🟨 7. Reverse Integer [Solution]
- 🟩 9. Palindrome Number [Solution]
- 🟨 12. Integer to Roman [Solution]
- 🟩 13. Roman to Integer [Solution]
- 🟨 50. Pow(x, n) [Solution]
- 🟥 60. Permutation Sequence [Solution]
- 🟨 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes [Solution]
- 🟨 204. Count Primes [Solution]
- 🟩 367. Valid Perfect Square
- 🟨 593. Valid Square
- 🟩 1518. Water Bottles [Solution]
- 🟩 1791. Find Center of Star Graph [Solution]
- 🟩 2582. Pass the Pillow [Solution]
- 🟨 3222. Find the Winning Player in Coin Game [Solution]
- 🟨 3227. Vowels Game in a String [Solution]
- 🟨 3232. Find if Digit Game Can Be Won [Solution]
- 🟨 3233. Find the Count of Numbers Which Are Not Special [Solution]
- 🟨 Count number of squares in a rectangle [Solution]