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721. Accounts Merge

Hint - Union Find

class UnionFind {
// Stores the parent of each node
// Stores the rank (or depth) of each node

// Constructor: Initialize parent and rank vectors
// Resize parent vector to hold n elements
// Initialize rank vector with 1 for all elements
// Set each node to be its own parent

// Find the root of the set containing x, with path compression
int find()

// Union the sets containing n1 and n2
void unionNodes()
// Find the root of the set containing n1
// Find the root of the set containing n2
// If they are already in the same set, do nothing

// Union by rank
if ()
// Attach smaller tree to larger tree
else if ()
// Attach smaller tree to larger tree
// Attach second tree to first and increase rank

class Solution {
vector<vector<string>> accountsMerge(vector<vector<string>>& accounts)
// Number of accounts
// Create UnionFind instance with n nodes
// Maps email to account index

// Iterate through each account
for ()
// Iterate through each email in the account
for ()
if ()
// Union the current account with the account that already has this email
// Map the email to the current account index

// Maps root account index to list of emails
// Collect emails for each connected component
for ()

// Result vector to store merged accounts
// Prepare the final result
for ()
// Get the username
// Initialize group with the username
// Sort emails in lexicographical order
// Add emails to group
// Add group to result
// Return the merged accounts
  • Union Find
class UnionFind {
vector<int> parent; // Stores the parent of each node
vector<int> rank; // Stores the rank (or depth) of each node

// Constructor: Initialize parent and rank vectors
UnionFind(int n)
parent.resize(n); // Resize parent vector to hold n elements
rank.resize(n, 1); // Initialize rank vector with 1 for all elements
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) parent[i] = i; // Set each node to be its own parent

// Find the root of the set containing x, with path compression
int find(int x)
if (x != parent[x])
parent[x] = find(parent[x]); // Path compression
return parent[x];

// Union the sets containing n1 and n2
void unionNodes(int n1, int n2)
int p1 = find(n1); // Find the root of the set containing n1
int p2 = find(n2); // Find the root of the set containing n2
if (p1 == p2) return; // If they are already in the same set, do nothing

// Union by rank
if (rank[p1] > rank[p2])
parent[p2] = p1; // Attach smaller tree to larger tree
else if (rank[p1] < rank[p2])
parent[p1] = p2; // Attach smaller tree to larger tree
parent[p2] = p1; // Attach second tree to first and increase rank

class Solution {
// Merge accounts with the same email
vector<vector<string>> accountsMerge(vector<vector<string>>& accounts)
int n = accounts.size(); // Number of accounts
UnionFind uf(n); // Create UnionFind instance with n nodes
unordered_map<string, int> emailMap; // Maps email to account index

// Iterate through each account
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Iterate through each email in the account
for (int j = 1; j < accounts[i].size(); j++)
string email = accounts[i][j];
if (emailMap.count(email))
// Union the current account with the account that already has this email
uf.unionNodes(emailMap[email], i);
// Map the email to the current account index
emailMap[email] = i;

unordered_map<int, vector<string>> mergeMap; // Maps root account index to list of emails
// Collect emails for each connected component
for (auto& [email, accountIdx] : emailMap)

vector<vector<string>> res; // Result vector to store merged accounts
// Prepare the final result
for (auto& [accountIndex, emails] : mergeMap)
string user = accounts[accountIndex][0]; // Get the username
vector<string> group = {user}; // Initialize group with the username
sort(emails.begin(), emails.end()); // Sort emails in lexicographical order
group.insert(group.end(), emails.begin(), emails.end()); // Add emails to group
res.push_back(group); // Add group to result

return res; // Return the merged accounts
  • T: O(nklog(nk))O(n \cdot k \cdot \log (n \cdot k))
  • S: O(nk)O(n \cdot k)