- 🟩 20. Valid Parentheses [Solution]
- 🟥 32. Longest Valid Parentheses
- 🟨 71. Simplify Path [Solution]
- 🟥 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram [Solution]
- 🟨 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation [Solution]
- 🟨 155. Min Stack [Solution]
- 🟥 224. Basic Calculator [Solution]
- 🟨 227. Basic Calculator II
- 🟩 232. Implement Queue using Stacks [Solution]
- 🟨 394. Decode String
- 🟩 496. Next Greater Element I
- 🟨 503. Next Greater Element II
- 🟨 735. Asteroid Collision
- 🟨 739. Daily Temperatures [Solution]
- 🟥 895. Maximum Frequency Stack
- 🟨 1190. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses [Solution]
- 🟥 2334. Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold [Solution]